Wednesday, February 9, 2011

World Without Oil

     Gasoline has been sky-high, its almost reaching 4 dollars a gallon. Its hard for parents to get around, my mother doesn't drive as much as she use to. Everyday she drives 1 hour to get to work and back. My mother pays like 60 dollars a week its hard, she doesn't know what to do. Since that she cant afford rent that much and cable. Its hard to find jobs so she must drive to 4 cities just to work.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Death Camp Sobibor

   In 1940, the Nazi established 16 forced labor camps in Poland. They were the largest camps before World War II. Out of the 16 labor camps, six were extermination, the worst of them all was Sobibor.
    In mid April, 1942 when the camp was nearly completed, 250 Jews were brought the Sobibor.  Christian Wirth, the commander of a near by extermination camp came, and witness these gassing.
    In May 1942, Sobibor began mass gassing operations. Trains entered the railway station, and the Jews on board were told they were in a transit camp, and were forced to undress and hand over their valuables. They were then led along the 100 meter long "Road to Heaven" which led to the gas chambers, where they were killed using carbon monoxide was released from the exhaust pipes of tanks. When the door where open the Jews who worked for the Nazi went in a took the bodies and threw them into a fire.

   On October 14, 1943, members of the Sobibor underground, led by Polish-Jewish prisoner  Leon Feldhendler and Russian-Jewish Alexander Pechersky,succeeded in covertly killing eleven High ranks German Officers. They were supposed to kill the Officers but there bodies were discovered. The inmates ran for there lives, as the Nazi guards shooting them down as they climbed the gates. Only a few inmates held a gun, but most with sticks, or metal polls. Out of six-hundred inmates around three-hundred escape the camp. While running in the field they where shot from towers and was running into minds that was around the camp. Only 50-70 people escape in total. Leon Feldhendler died a year later after the escape, Alexander Pechersky died in 1990 of old age, he was 80 years old.
    They made a great movie about Sobibor, its called Escape from Sobibor. The movie was great, everything in the movie is exactly what happen. I recommended that you should watch it.
   Thank you for reading- Joel Rodriguez

This a Picture of Alexander Pechersky. A year before he was in Sobibor. He was a Captain of a Russian Army. His nickname was"Sasha".

This is a picture Leon Feldhendler, after the escape from Sobibor. A year later he dies from being murdered

 This is the cover of "Escape From Sobibor". This movie is now well known, but it's one of the Greatest movie about World War II, and of my favorite movies.